The National Institute of Medical Herbalists was founded in 1864.
Admission to the Institute follows graduation from an accredited university or equivalent course. Studies include the medical sciences, clinical diagnostic skills, herbs, herbal pharmacy, nutrition and allied subjects. Medical Herbalists are trained to treat each person as an individual and create a treatment plan to suit the varied needs of patients.
The herbalist’s learning continues throughout his/her professional career. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a mandatory requirement, for all NIMH herbalists, and is monitored by the NIMH.
The letters MNIMH or FNIMH after the name of a herbalist are your assurance of a professional practitioner. All Members are governed by a strict Code of Ethics and Practice, and a complaints and disciplinary procedure. They are also covered by professional indemnity insurance.
You can contact the NIMH to check that your herbalist is a bona fide member of the NIMH.
The National Institute of Medical Herbalists:
1. Maintains a register for professional herbalists so that the public can be assured of the professionalism of the herbalists who are members of the NIMH
2. Sets the standards for herbal education, practice and conduct
3. Ensures the development of the profession of herbal medicine using a model of continuous improvement in practice
4. Ensures all members abide by a code of ethics and conduct
5. Promotes the profession of herbal medicine so that its contribution to public health is understood and recognised
National Institute of Medical Herbalists,
Clover House,
James Court, South Street,
Tel: 01392 426022